My one-to-one Career Crossroads programme consists of 6 x 90-minute sessions held online, and takes you through a structured process designed to help you take a journey from uncertainly about your current situation and not knowing what your next step might be, through to having a clear vision of a career that's right for you, and a plan for how to create it.
The process is based on my proven four-step career change model outlined below, and includes a carefully designed set of exercises, questionnaires and journalling prompts. These are reflective tasks that draw out insights, flip perspectives and hone possibilities. They will help you get to know yourself better, clarify your thinking, open your mind, and uncover ideas you didn't know you had.
My four-step career change model
Step 1 - Reflect & Clarify
Research shows that those who are most satisfied and motivated by their work are in careers which reflect who they really are; careers which reflect their true nature and their real interests; careers which draw on their innate strengths and use their favourite skills; careers which allow them to honour their deeply-held values. Because of this, in this first step in my career change programme we take a hard look at who you are as a person, and your life as a whole.
By the end of Reflect & Clarify you will be clear about what makes you tick and what you must have in your new career to feel satisfied and fulfilled. This then acts as a concrete set of ‘me-criteria’ for evaluating career ideas or job opportunities moving forward.
Step 2 - Explore & Research
Here we will start by generating a number of possible new career choices - all the things you would love to do that fit with your values, strengths, interests, priorities, and lifestyle needs. The idea here is to be expansive, to think outside the box, not to be constrained at this stage by traditional notions of what’s possible. Your ‘best-fit’ ideas are then narrowed down to between 1-3 strong possibilities, which will be explored in more detail in the Make It Happen phase, the final step of the process.
Step 3 - Boost Your Confidence
Next we'll look at building your confidence and overcoming your biggest 'blockers' - practical or emotional obstacles that may stand in your way between where you are now and where you want to be. Step 4 - Make It Happen
Make It Happen is the step where you will start investigating the top possibilities that were generated in Step 2. Finally, we’ll create your personalised Action Plan to get you where you want to be in your life and career. The plan will act as a roadmap to your new career, and will include your career goals, and your research into the career options you’d like to consider further.
Who is the programme for?
Career Crossroads is particularly designed for you, if you:
Are on maternity leave or an extended career break and re-assessing your career options. Do you want to change jobs or careers, start your own business, set up as a freelancer or go back to school?
Are in work but your current work situation is no longer a good fit and you would like to try something new.
You’re not planning to work for a while, but would like to consider future options and make the most of your maternity leave/ career break.
Included in the programme:
6 x 90 minute sessions held online (through Zoom).
Support in-between sessions - via email or short telephone calls.
An extensive range of exercises, questionnaires, journalling prompts and other useful resources.
Relevant introductions to my connections and network, as required.
The outcomes you can expect:
Here are the outcomes you can expect based on the results achieved by previous Clients.
You will come away with:
Clarity on who you are and what you really want from your future career.
1-3 'best fit' new career paths/ directions to further explore.
A concrete Action Plan outlining the steps you are going to take to move forward.
A lot more confidence, inspiration and excitement about what's possible in your future career.
Would you like to find out more?
If you are keen to find out more about my Career Crossroads programme, let's talk about your current situation and your goals, and through any questions you may have. You can then decide whether the programme is the right fit for you and how you would like to move forward. Go here to book in for a Career Conversation or send an email to [email protected].