More people are working part time than ever before, and a large chunk of part time workers are mums who want to keep on their career path, while still being able to shuttle their kids to ballet lessons and football practice. A part time work arrangement may seem packed with perks, but there are some downsides to consider too.
If you are thinking about working part-time, look at both the pros and the cons before deciding if it is the right choice for you. Another option you might consider is working full time, but asking for some flexibility. This might be the flexibility to work from home for one or two days a week, the flexibility to start late and finish late, or the flexibility to take unpaid leave to cope with emergencies. Flexibility might not be enough for you, as you may definitely need part time hours, but it will be a lot easier to negotiate - especially in very senior roles. At the end of the day, there’s no right or wrong - it’s a matter of choosing a work arrangement that will work best for you and your family. Melanie Fieseler is Director at Work Happy Mums, the go-to resource for return-to-work professional women and career advancers. We're building a better future for working mothers and the organisations they work for. Join our community and help both our families and businesses thrive.
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11/3/2022 12:31:00 am
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